yesterday, i biked almost 8 miles with hannah in tow. it was a great ride.
we rode up to the house of some friends for our first summer playgroup. there were pools to play in things, to climb on, lots of friends, and some shade. the kids had a picnic lunch, well, we all did... and played some more.. then they did a quick-popsicle-stick-picture-frame-craft for father's day.
the trip up was a little grueling. it took me about 40 minutes. it was uphill. the whole way. by the time we reached the last street, i was seriously contemplating getting off and walking. but i pushed through, literally, and we made it there. my bike was in some little gears and i was spinning my way up the last hill. but i felt great. when i was done!
here's a picture of hannah from's my new wallpaper...
nutella is sooooo tasty!!
here's a shot of our grape tomatoes. our first batch, harvest? there are probably abround forty or fifty green ones still on the vines and three or four bunches of flowers.
here's a close-up or the tomatoes that hannah picked from our plant. she ate them like candy.
operation: "grow our own tomatoes so hannah will eat them" is a success, so far...

this plant is supposed to produce purple peppers. i am a bit excited to see them all grown up and ready to be eaten by me.