so, it's been a while since my last post. i am doing pretty well. i am not so very good at taking my medicine every day, but i am working much harder to make a concious effort to enjoy every minute of my day. hannah makes that pretty dang easy. although, she contributes heaps to the "making it pretty dang hard" catagory. i digress, she's amazing. not to mention my husband, who regularly works him self to the point of exaustion (big project at work these past few weeks) and then comes home and plays with the booger and helps me clean up the house. man. he is seriously the most amazing guy ever.
so, i was just wanting to say, "thanks, God. my life is truly, truly blessed. and i am totally sorry for being such a poop head."
oh, and here are some pics from a few months ago...the very first birthday and my rad husband.