24 February 2007

i've given in...

i've been holding out. who wants another screen name, another password, another form to fill out... i haven't posted lately because i really didn't want to sign up for google. not the end of the world, but a fair bit of annoying...anyway, i did and here i am.
the days are dwindling, her second birthday is drawing near. i can't believe that she's almost two! i thought that she had changed so much from birth to one, but TWO!, holy cow she is this whole new person who continues to unfold before me every-stinkin'-day.
i am so impressed at who God has designed her to be. i am amazed at how she is developing into that person. i am completely blown away at my role as God's helper in this project. i am so thankful for the blessing that she is, that He has given me. i thought going to school, work, and paying bills on time was a big responsibility...man, i had no idea what real responsibility was...raising a child, being an example, modeling Christ for her. it's so amazing to be a part of this. i look forward to each new day.