it's been two weeks since my parents left for bluefields, nicaragua. my dad is coming home very early on monday morning and i am looking forward to spending some time with him before he goes back to work next week. speaking of next week, we are going to be quite busy. mike leaves on sunday, right after church, for a week at centrifuge (our church's summer youth camp.) he won't be back until late on saturday night. so the girls and i will be mike-less for the week.we will be trying to keep to our regular outings like library days, church, and such. are some pictures of the girls and what we've been up to lately...
maple is just getting cuter and cuter every day. she's discovered her feet and loves to play with her hands...and her big sister :)
hannah got stuck behind the driver seat the other day. i felt bad, but it was super funny. she was very patient, as i was in the front seat with maple, who was nursing and mike had just gone in to the grocery store.
mike set up a retractable clothesline for me in the back yard. a few weeks ago, i got to line dry a small load of diapers for the first time :) good thing it was a small load, it just barely fit. we got another one to put up, so i will have lots of space for drying. i just love looking at all of maple's diapers hanging out in the summer sun.
i had a meeting for our preschool co-op the other day and after we ate lunch, the kids ran around and played...inside and out. hannah was all decked out in some princess duds but didn't let that stop her from getting dirty. one of the cutest things i've seen in a while. she even had the little plastic princess shoes on. she was one big sweaty, dirty mess by the time we ready to go home.
lastly, we discovered a few months ago that hannah seems to be allergic to cats. probably one of the happiest days in mike's life ;) she takes great pride in telling everyone that will listen that she is "just like my dad" because they are allergic to the same things and like the same things and don't like the same things. it's pretty adorable.
so that's it for mow. i'll try to get some more pictures up tomorrow night. we've got a big day... two birthday parties, loads of laundry, and some projects around the house to tackle before mike leaves for camp next week. i'm also working on writing out maple's birth story.