what's new? it's been over a year.
the girls are just getting bigger and smarter and more amazing every day. I am constantly challenged and humbled by being their mother. raising girls is hard work. especially when you feel like you are broken and totally not worthy a majority of the time. and they turn around every time and show you how much God knows and loves you. you feel like they are doing the raising. and you hope for an opportunity to return the favour.
welcome to the thiebauds
a little family in a little town. enjoying every new day. learning from every new moment. loving every minute of it.
27 September 2011
30 July 2010
catch up...
well, i finally got my photos from my phone loaded onto the computer!
it's been two weeks since my parents left for bluefields, nicaragua. my dad is coming home very early on monday morning and i am looking forward to spending some time with him before he goes back to work next week. speaking of next week, we are going to be quite busy. mike leaves on sunday, right after church, for a week at centrifuge (our church's summer youth camp.) he won't be back until late on saturday night. so the girls and i will be mike-less for the week.we will be trying to keep to our regular outings like library days, church, and such.
anyway...here are some pictures of the girls and what we've been up to lately...

maple is just getting cuter and cuter every day. she's discovered her feet and loves to play with her hands...and her big sister :)

hannah got stuck behind the driver seat the other day. i felt bad, but it was super funny. she was very patient, as i was in the front seat with maple, who was nursing and mike had just gone in to the grocery store.

mike set up a retractable clothesline for me in the back yard. a few weeks ago, i got to line dry a small load of diapers for the first time :) good thing it was a small load, it just barely fit. we got another one to put up, so i will have lots of space for drying. i just love looking at all of maple's diapers hanging out in the summer sun.

i had a meeting for our preschool co-op the other day and after we ate lunch, the kids ran around and played...inside and out. hannah was all decked out in some princess duds but didn't let that stop her from getting dirty. one of the cutest things i've seen in a while. she even had the little plastic princess shoes on. she was one big sweaty, dirty mess by the time we ready to go home.

lastly, we discovered a few months ago that hannah seems to be allergic to cats. probably one of the happiest days in mike's life ;) she takes great pride in telling everyone that will listen that she is "just like my dad" because they are allergic to the same things and like the same things and don't like the same things. it's pretty adorable.
so that's it for mow. i'll try to get some more pictures up tomorrow night. we've got a big day... two birthday parties, loads of laundry, and some projects around the house to tackle before mike leaves for camp next week. i'm also working on writing out maple's birth story.
it's been two weeks since my parents left for bluefields, nicaragua. my dad is coming home very early on monday morning and i am looking forward to spending some time with him before he goes back to work next week. speaking of next week, we are going to be quite busy. mike leaves on sunday, right after church, for a week at centrifuge (our church's summer youth camp.) he won't be back until late on saturday night. so the girls and i will be mike-less for the week.we will be trying to keep to our regular outings like library days, church, and such.
anyway...here are some pictures of the girls and what we've been up to lately...
maple is just getting cuter and cuter every day. she's discovered her feet and loves to play with her hands...and her big sister :)
hannah got stuck behind the driver seat the other day. i felt bad, but it was super funny. she was very patient, as i was in the front seat with maple, who was nursing and mike had just gone in to the grocery store.
mike set up a retractable clothesline for me in the back yard. a few weeks ago, i got to line dry a small load of diapers for the first time :) good thing it was a small load, it just barely fit. we got another one to put up, so i will have lots of space for drying. i just love looking at all of maple's diapers hanging out in the summer sun.
i had a meeting for our preschool co-op the other day and after we ate lunch, the kids ran around and played...inside and out. hannah was all decked out in some princess duds but didn't let that stop her from getting dirty. one of the cutest things i've seen in a while. she even had the little plastic princess shoes on. she was one big sweaty, dirty mess by the time we ready to go home.
lastly, we discovered a few months ago that hannah seems to be allergic to cats. probably one of the happiest days in mike's life ;) she takes great pride in telling everyone that will listen that she is "just like my dad" because they are allergic to the same things and like the same things and don't like the same things. it's pretty adorable.
so that's it for mow. i'll try to get some more pictures up tomorrow night. we've got a big day... two birthday parties, loads of laundry, and some projects around the house to tackle before mike leaves for camp next week. i'm also working on writing out maple's birth story.
16 July 2010
for my mom...
...so my parents are on their way to bluefields, nicaragua. dad will be gone for two weeks and mom will be gone for four. we will be missing them a lot and I know they will be missing the girls so I thought that would be good motivation for me to be posting pictures of and stories about them.
I didn't get any pictures today, but we went over to their house today to go swimming with April an her kids. we enjoyed keeping cool in the pool. the kids had a great time. it was maple's first time to be all the way in. I held her for a while and then put her into the baby floatie for a bit. she really enjoyed it and since it was so hot out she was able to stay in the water longer than normal. it was super cute :)
we are hoping that our house cools off enough to enjoy some time at home before bedtime. it's been pretty hot the past few nights.
well, since I'm writing from my phone I'll be done for now. hopefully some pictures tomorrow.
I didn't get any pictures today, but we went over to their house today to go swimming with April an her kids. we enjoyed keeping cool in the pool. the kids had a great time. it was maple's first time to be all the way in. I held her for a while and then put her into the baby floatie for a bit. she really enjoyed it and since it was so hot out she was able to stay in the water longer than normal. it was super cute :)
we are hoping that our house cools off enough to enjoy some time at home before bedtime. it's been pretty hot the past few nights.
well, since I'm writing from my phone I'll be done for now. hopefully some pictures tomorrow.
22 May 2009
free wifi...free fellowship
so, I am hanging out at the entrance at church. I am enjoying some fun times with some fun people...hi merea...hi robin...I am having more fun hanging out so this will be the end of my short post. because I like my friends. hi friends :)
04 December 2008
it's been a while. I have been a bit caught up in facebook.
mike and I got new phones. and we can access the internet and a lot of the time, it is easier to check facebook from the phone than get on the computer. and it is easier to type on a real keyboard than the phone keyboard.
I am getting better at typing on the phone keyboard. so I thought I would just bite the bullet and type out a post on the phone.
it's sick week, or two, at the the Thiebaud house. mike and I have been fighting a stomach bug for a while, him more than me. and hannah picked up a rockin' cold earlier this week. since most of my friend's kids have colds also and it is the week before our church's christmas pagent, I have been watching some extra kids over here a few nights this week.
I feel bad for the sick little dudes. but am glad that we can help our friends out a bit and keep some germs out of the nursery...not that that isn't where they all picked the germs up in the first place!
hoping and praying that we all get healthy soon!
it's been a while. I have been a bit caught up in facebook.
mike and I got new phones. and we can access the internet and a lot of the time, it is easier to check facebook from the phone than get on the computer. and it is easier to type on a real keyboard than the phone keyboard.
I am getting better at typing on the phone keyboard. so I thought I would just bite the bullet and type out a post on the phone.
it's sick week, or two, at the the Thiebaud house. mike and I have been fighting a stomach bug for a while, him more than me. and hannah picked up a rockin' cold earlier this week. since most of my friend's kids have colds also and it is the week before our church's christmas pagent, I have been watching some extra kids over here a few nights this week.
I feel bad for the sick little dudes. but am glad that we can help our friends out a bit and keep some germs out of the nursery...not that that isn't where they all picked the germs up in the first place!
hoping and praying that we all get healthy soon!
25 October 2008
...why i love my daughter...
...mike and i went out to dinner on friday night with some friends. (we usually enjoy friday night as a date night and hannah gets to spend some quality time with her grandma and grandpa - mike's folks.)
so, we picked her up pretty late and were on our way home. i asked her what they did, did she have fun, all of the regular questions... one of which is "were you a good eater? what did you have for dinner?"
she answered me.
"yes, i was a good eater. we had sandwiches for dinner."
"what kind of sandwiches did you have, bud? peanut butter and jelly?"
"nope. regular sandwiches, you know, pig meat and cheese."
i thought mike was going to crash, he was laughing SO hard!
so, we picked her up pretty late and were on our way home. i asked her what they did, did she have fun, all of the regular questions... one of which is "were you a good eater? what did you have for dinner?"
she answered me.
"yes, i was a good eater. we had sandwiches for dinner."
"what kind of sandwiches did you have, bud? peanut butter and jelly?"
"nope. regular sandwiches, you know, pig meat and cheese."
i thought mike was going to crash, he was laughing SO hard!
10 September 2008
i've been...
never thought that would happen. i feel like i have just barely existed in this "internet world" and actually enjoyed just "lurking" around (not in a creepy way, i just don't feel like i am a very eloquent commenter...so...)
anyway, my friend rachael marshman tagged me to tell six things about myself. six unspectacular quirks. i also need to tag six more bloggers and leave each of them a comment. and from there, the madness should continue...
without any further hesitation...my unspectacular quirks...
1. i am not a morning person. capital n. capital o. capital t. a huge part of me desires so very much to be the early riser who accomplishes much before lunch time arrives but the reality of the situation is that i am not...i know that God can mold me throughout my life to be that person, and don't doubt that that is something planned for the future ashley.
2. even though i have some hideously messed up knees, like since junior high, i love to run...i don't do it very often because it is wicked painful, but there is just something about it that i find so electric. it's like you get to connect and disconnect at the same time. i would love to participate in marathons (any length actually) in the future. it's kindof hard to explain. since i don't get to run, i like to get out and move other ways. i have been riding my bike, with hannah in tow, for a few months now. i average around five to ten miles a day, for most days of the week. we all ride to church together on sundays, which is super fun. hopefully we'll get geared-up for the "winter" down here, so that we can continue our biking throughout the year.
3. i spent a summer living out of a tent/under a porch. it was at a camp in arizona that i worked at for a few years. the summer before, i slept on a porch. the summer after, i did a lot of porch sleeping again. the first week was always a bit creepy, getting used to the sounds and never knowing if you'd wake up to a javelina sniffing aroung your sleeping bag. but it is the best, sleeping outside. once a week, we'd sleep out in the woods with the kids. then i slept right in the dirt. i love to be dirt-dirty. not, you know every day. but, i worked in the camping industry for almost seven years, and camped for fun. i'm down for three weeks with out a shower. smelling like campfire smoke, swimming in a lake. i feel like there will always be something about "civilisation" that i just won't get.
4. i hate wearing shoes. my feet need to be free. i need my feet to be free. i have three pairs of sandals that i wear, two are "everyday" and one is for riding my bike. even then, i can't really stand to have them on. i loved lifeguarding because you don't need shoes to do that. i love southern california weather because in the "winter" i can wear long pants that cover my feet and most people don't even notice that i am not wearing shoes. i fell like my feet are really wimpy since i have worn my sandals regularly, for like, the past big handful of years. i used to be able to walk around in the woods barefoot without a problem.
5. i'd like to start a little business from home. i like to sew and "make stuff." i am not very profit-minded, so i haven't made a whole lot of progress on this front. but someday...
6. i really don't like technology. here i am, telling you that on my blog. but really...there's just something about a notebook and a nice sharp pencil. something about a card catolouge and a book shelf full of encyclopedias. something about stamps and knowing you just have to wait for a reply. something about a tape deck...casettes, vhs...something about a corded phone and having to be intentional about time for conversations. i think it's the part of me that is romantic. i idealise those days before everything was happening at 100 miles an hour.
so, there's a glimpse into my unspectacular, quirky life.
1. debra, my sister.
2. jessie, a central coast friend that i met through my sister
3. hope, high school friend living on the east coast
4. mike, the husband
5. jen, from the seattle years
6. emery, a really honest blogger i learned of through my sister
here is your charge:
-link to the person who tagged you
-mention the rules
-tell six unspectacular quirks of yours
-tag six bloggers
-leave a comment for each
can't wait to learn something new...
never thought that would happen. i feel like i have just barely existed in this "internet world" and actually enjoyed just "lurking" around (not in a creepy way, i just don't feel like i am a very eloquent commenter...so...)
anyway, my friend rachael marshman tagged me to tell six things about myself. six unspectacular quirks. i also need to tag six more bloggers and leave each of them a comment. and from there, the madness should continue...
without any further hesitation...my unspectacular quirks...
1. i am not a morning person. capital n. capital o. capital t. a huge part of me desires so very much to be the early riser who accomplishes much before lunch time arrives but the reality of the situation is that i am not...i know that God can mold me throughout my life to be that person, and don't doubt that that is something planned for the future ashley.
2. even though i have some hideously messed up knees, like since junior high, i love to run...i don't do it very often because it is wicked painful, but there is just something about it that i find so electric. it's like you get to connect and disconnect at the same time. i would love to participate in marathons (any length actually) in the future. it's kindof hard to explain. since i don't get to run, i like to get out and move other ways. i have been riding my bike, with hannah in tow, for a few months now. i average around five to ten miles a day, for most days of the week. we all ride to church together on sundays, which is super fun. hopefully we'll get geared-up for the "winter" down here, so that we can continue our biking throughout the year.
3. i spent a summer living out of a tent/under a porch. it was at a camp in arizona that i worked at for a few years. the summer before, i slept on a porch. the summer after, i did a lot of porch sleeping again. the first week was always a bit creepy, getting used to the sounds and never knowing if you'd wake up to a javelina sniffing aroung your sleeping bag. but it is the best, sleeping outside. once a week, we'd sleep out in the woods with the kids. then i slept right in the dirt. i love to be dirt-dirty. not, you know every day. but, i worked in the camping industry for almost seven years, and camped for fun. i'm down for three weeks with out a shower. smelling like campfire smoke, swimming in a lake. i feel like there will always be something about "civilisation" that i just won't get.
4. i hate wearing shoes. my feet need to be free. i need my feet to be free. i have three pairs of sandals that i wear, two are "everyday" and one is for riding my bike. even then, i can't really stand to have them on. i loved lifeguarding because you don't need shoes to do that. i love southern california weather because in the "winter" i can wear long pants that cover my feet and most people don't even notice that i am not wearing shoes. i fell like my feet are really wimpy since i have worn my sandals regularly, for like, the past big handful of years. i used to be able to walk around in the woods barefoot without a problem.
5. i'd like to start a little business from home. i like to sew and "make stuff." i am not very profit-minded, so i haven't made a whole lot of progress on this front. but someday...
6. i really don't like technology. here i am, telling you that on my blog. but really...there's just something about a notebook and a nice sharp pencil. something about a card catolouge and a book shelf full of encyclopedias. something about stamps and knowing you just have to wait for a reply. something about a tape deck...casettes, vhs...something about a corded phone and having to be intentional about time for conversations. i think it's the part of me that is romantic. i idealise those days before everything was happening at 100 miles an hour.
so, there's a glimpse into my unspectacular, quirky life.
1. debra, my sister.
2. jessie, a central coast friend that i met through my sister
3. hope, high school friend living on the east coast
4. mike, the husband
5. jen, from the seattle years
6. emery, a really honest blogger i learned of through my sister
here is your charge:
-link to the person who tagged you
-mention the rules
-tell six unspectacular quirks of yours
-tag six bloggers
-leave a comment for each
can't wait to learn something new...
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